Dumb Things I Have Done Lately

Monday, May 07, 2007

My 2 Primary Accomplishments Last Week

I actually did a bunch of stuff last week, but the two things I will mention are:

1. I got my name mentioned in Gene Weingarten's 5/2 Chat Update for a correction I'd sent in.

2. During our kickball game on Thursday, as I was playing first base, I ran over and caught a line drive that was shooting towards the gap, then helped convert the double play by throwing to third to catch the runner (who hadn't tagged up), which ended the inning and got us out of a sticky bases-loaded situation.

You'll have to take my word for it.

I also made this animated gif from the bar:

Natalie decks Paul, animatedly.
Natalie decks Paul in animated fashion.

See my full set from the fields and Carpool afterwards, which includes:

* Ben and Julia singlehandedly setting back race relations a few decades:


* Tongue kissing:


* And karate fighting:


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  • I know it's not politically correct, but I love that photo of Ben and Julia and your caption. I've never seen an Asian do a "look at big eyes," or whatever it's called. LOL!

    By Blogger E :), At 5/07/2007 5:15 AM  

  • Man, you round-eyes are all the same...

    I've seen at least one comic do the round-eye thing. (Though I think he was white.)

    By Blogger Joelogon, At 5/08/2007 2:42 AM  

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